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Request for Determination of Eligibility for Archaeological Site 9JkS6 GDOT Project BRS-0991 (3)

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site 9JK56 is a prehistoric multi-component archaeological site exhibiting both Woodland and Mississippian period components. The site was initially recorded by G. Midgette (n.d.) as 9JK10 during bridge construction; and later recorded by Southeastern Archaeological Services (Ledbetter and Braley 1990) as 9JKS6. Midgette's investigation was initiated during bridge and highway construction in the early 1960s when artifacts were encountered during construction activities. The portion of the site investigated by Midgette was destroyed or filled over as a result of the construction. The 1990 investigation by SAS was based primarily on Midgette's information and no further evaluation or site boundary definition was conducted.