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Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-065-3(56), Pickens County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project STP-065-3(56) would construct two passing lanes on SR 53 between the towns of Tate and Holcomb in Pickens County. In addition, various intersection improvements would be made along the project corridor. The first passing lane would begin at the SR 53/Harrington Road intersection and terminate 500 feet east of Old Mill Road. The second passing lane would begin at mile post 27.0 and terminate at mile 28.50. The first intersection improvement is at the SR 53/McArthur Road intersection. The second intersection improvement is located at the SR 53/0ld Mill Road intersection. The third intersection improvement is at the intersection of SR 53 and Wilkie Road, and the last is at the SR 53/Partain Road intersection. The existing right-of-way for SR 53 is 60 feet. The required right-of-way for the passing lanes would vary with a maximum of 180 additional feet. The combined length of the passing lanes is 2.5 miles. The existing rights-of-way for McArthur Road, Old Mill Road, Wilkie Road, and Partain Road is 40 feet. The required rights-of-way for the intersection improvements vary with a maximum of 70 additional feet. An archaeological survey consistent with the proposed project description was conducted along the entire length of the project corridor.