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Cultural Resources Survey of Clayton County Airport -Tara Field, Phase Two.

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The archaeological survey concentrated on areas where proposed ground disturbance would take place (see Figures 2 and 3). Along the runway landing light corridor, pedestrian inspection was accompanied by shovel test excavations, at 30-meter (100-ft) intervals, within two transects spaced 30 meters (100-ft) apart. Soils in the runway landing light corridor generally consisted of 0-10 cm of dark brown sandy loam over 10-30 cm of orange-brown loamy sand. Subsoils included pale yellow sand and red clay. Vegetation in the corridor consisted of pine and hardwood trees, with briars and young pines as undergrowth (Figure 5). Pedestrian inspection along the proposed road corridor determined that much of this corridor has been severely disturbed by past construction and ground clearing activities. The segment of the road corridor that runs north from Speedway Boulevard has been graded and filled, and is already paved. Ground disturbance was also noted in the segment of the road corridor within the pine/hardwood forest. The remainder of the road corridor is situated in the large RV Park, and the ground in this area has also been graded and filled (Figure 6). Pedestrian inspection of the proposed runway extension area east of Mount Pleasant Road revealed an area that had been heavy disturbed (graded and filled) by the creation of the RV -park. During intensive archaeological field survey, we recovered no artifacts and identified no archaeological resources.