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Shiloh Hills Site Cobb County, GA ATC No. 303413 TCNS No. 126487 DEA Project No. 21504032

Report Number
Year of Publication

Dynamic Environmental Associates, Inc. (DEA) performed an investigation of a proposed telecommunication tower compound expansion in Cobb County, Georgia. This investigation, sponsored by American Towers LLC, was intended to identify and evaluate cultural resources in terms of eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places within the proposed APE for direct effects. Archaeological investigations were confined to areas proposed for development of the proposed expansion of the tower facility, specifically the 40’ x 20’-7” (12.2 m x 6.3 m) expansion area on the north side of the existing tower compound. A 30’ (9.1 m) area around the existing 50’ x 50’ (15.2 m x 15.2 m) lease area and the proposed expansion area were also visually assessed. Two shovel tests were excavated within the proposed expansion area; both shovel tests proved to be negative. No archaeological features were noted on the surface within the proposed expansion area or the 30’ additional visually assessed area. It is recommended that no historic properties are located within the APE for direct effects and therefore there will be no effect on cultural resources by the proposed undertaking.