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Addendum Phase I Archaeological Survey of Lanier Islands Parkway, Hall County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In October 2012 and May 2013, a Phase I Archaeological Survey of a project corridor and an intensive survey and testing of two cemeteries were completed for the widening and realignment of SR 347/Lanier Islands Parkway project (Tankersley and Matternes 2014). This survey was for the construction of two 12-foot wide travel lanes, a 14-foot wide center turn lane throughout the corridor, the addition of right turn lanes where necessary, curb and gutter on both sides of the roadway, a 1 0-foot wide multi-use path, and a five-foot wide sidewalk. Changes to the concept design made after the original survey necessitated further archaeological survey and after consultation with G DOT archaeological staff, three areas located along the margin of the area of potential effects (APE) were identified for additional survey.