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Buford Highway (SR 13) Streetscape Improvements

Report Number
Year of Publication

The original 2007 proposed project would consist of pedestrian improvements and streetscapes along Buford Highway (SR 13) in Dekalb County, Georgia. The proposed typical section fo Buford Highway in the project area would consist of six 11-foot travel lanes (three in each direction) with a 5-foot sidewalk on both sides of the roadway. A 2-foot stamped concrete buffer strip would be installed between the proposed sidewalk and back of curb where right-of-way permits. A raised median with mid-block crossing locations would be installed from the Fulton County line to Clairmont Road. From Clairmont Road to Shallowford Terrace, five pedestrian crossing islands would be installed. Additionally, three new traffic signals are proposed and the project would retrofit existing driveway aprons, upgrade wheelchair ramps to meet ADA standards, add pedestrian lighting, and landscaping. Right-of-way in the project area varies between 100-feet and 120-feet.

In 2012 the project was split into two phases to be constructed separately and minor right-of-way and easements were added, with Phase I (PI 731770) extending from Lenox Road in Fulton County to approximately 700-feet northeast of Afton Lane in Dekalb County. Phase II was assigned PI 0009400 and extends from approximately 700-feet northeast of Afton Lane to Shallowford Terrace.

Phase I of the project is currently under construction and design changes have been proposed. The limits of the project have been extended approximately 338 feet north of the previous project limits for a total of 2.558 miles (previously 2.494 miles) and would also install a new pedestrian hybrid beacon within the extended limits. A 5-foot sidewalk on the west side of Buford Highway will also be extended approximately 178-feet north to station number 135+88. On the east side of Buford Highway, a 5-foot sidewalk would be extended approximately 395-feet to the north. Additionally, a previously proposed stop and go signal was removed from the plans at Station 130+50. All work would be conducted within existing right-of-way