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Archaeological Assessment TCNS ID 16344 Proposed 250-Foot Guyed Telecommuunications Structure (255-Feet overall with Appurtenances) Within A I00-Foot By I00-Foot Compound

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Corporation of America (ECA) has completed an Archaeological Assessment for the federal undertaking at the subject site. The subject site includes a proposed 100-foot by 100-foot compound and an existing 30-foot by 1575-foot access road. The facility would include a 250-foot guyed telecommunications structure (255- feet with appurtenances) and associated ground level support equipment. The facility is located off County Road 57, southwest of the intersection of County Road 57 and Highway 520, near Parrott, Terrell County, Georgia.

This archaeological assessment was conducted in order to ascertain whether the proposed undertaking, on the project site, might directly or indirectly affect archaeological cultural resources, if any such resources exist. Through our review of available cultural records and databases, two previously recorded archaeological sites were identified within the ¾-mile search radius of the proposed project for background data.

One site was located 13 60 feet north of the project area and consisted of pottery, a chert fragment, a chert core, and chert debitage. This site was not recommended for National Register Standing. A second site, located 3970 feet southeast of the project area, consists of a small historic family cemetery and an adjacent artifact scatter. National Register standing for this site is undetermined. We encountered no archaeological cultural resources during the Phase I intensive field survey portion of this archaeological assessment.

We conclude that the proposed undertaking would have no effect upon any historic or prehistoric archaeological resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Therefore, we recommend a finding of No Effect for the proposed undertaking as regards archaeology.