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Relocation of the Jekyll Island Station

Report Number
Year of Publication

The United Post Office needs to establish a permanent post office facility on Jekyll Island.  The site selected for the new Post Office is 17 Pier Road, Jekyll Island.  This site is in the Jekyll Island Club National Historic Landmark.  Therefore, Ann M. Saver, Facilities Environmental Specialist, with the Unites State Postal Service contacted Dr. David Crass, Director of the Georgia Historic Preservation Division (HPD) and requested a Section 106 Consultation.  That consultation resulted in a request from the HPD that a Phase I archaeological survey be conducted on all the areas of potential impacts. This is the report of the finding from the Phase I survey.

The archaeological testing found very few artifacts but did find one archaeological feature that consists of an 18 to 30 centimeter compacted layer of coal ash that may have served as a paving surface at the rear of the historic building.  This building was the Butler and Chauffeur’s Dormitory during the Jekyll Island Club Era.  It is likely that the feature was a parking area for the Chauffeur’s cars.  This research finding does increase our knowledge of the historic landscape but this parking area is not considered a significant archaeological resource.  It has been documented by the following report.

Therefore, the conclusion of this report is that the Phase I archaeological survey did not identify any significant archaeological deposits.  This report concludes that no adverse impacts to significant archaeological resources will result from the proposed action.  It is recommended that work on the construction of the post office ramp and sidewalks be permitted with no additional archaeological investigations.