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Archaeological Survey of Eastern "Bluff" Area Woodbine, Camden County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This letter-report is provided in response to concerns expressed by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Division, dated May 21, 2004. A supplemental field investigation of the approximately fourteen (14) acre northeast "bluff'' (see Plate 1, page two) of the project tract was completed by our firm to append a Phase I cultural resources survey report completed in August 2003. This area of the project tract was originally designated as a wetlands due to 1) the existence of a wetland marsh in the northeastern and southeastern comers of the project parcel, 2) the northeastern access roads were inundated with standing water, and 3) a wetland existed between the northern and southern east to west access roads. A portion of the eastern border of the project tract contains a bluff area that overlooks the Satilla River (Plate 2). This bluff is situated between a northeastern wetland salt marsh (Transect 2, Plate 3, and Transect 5, Plate 4) and a larger wetland to the southeast (Plate 5). A supplemental archaeological investigation was completed by our firm under the direction of Principal Investigator, Aaron Madamba, RPA, June 26 through June 27, 2004. A total of nine (9) transects were surveyed. Shovel tests were excavated along these transects as dictated by ground surface visibility and site conditions.