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A Phase I Archaeological Survey for Proposed Improvements to the US 23/Pleasant Hill Road Interchange Gwinnett County, GA

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project will involve the addition of signage, lighting, and landscape enhancements to the area starting on SR 13/Buford Highway, at the southbound Pleasant Hill Road on-ramp, north to May Road. Improvements to Pleasant Hill Road will include the area just west of the Norfolk Southern railroad right of way to the intersection of Sunset Street. Landscape enhancements proposed for the interchange may include: meadow planting, perennials, groundcovers, shrubs, small flowering trees and large canopy trees. Earthwork associated with the plantings and potential sculpture/artwork sites may include excavations at selected points for concrete and steel foundations for structures or excavations of small planting holes necessary for placement of root balls as part of the installation of plants. The landscape enhancements may involve the import of limited amounts of fill, in order to create raised topographic features on the existing flat portions of the site. Soil that is excavated will be kept on site. Proposed lighting improvements involve residential scale lighting. Traffic safety improvements will include striping and sign modifications including the addition of way-finding signs.