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Archaeological Site 9HT56 Investigations for Proposed Northern Approach Landing System (ALS), Robins AFB, Houston County, Georgia

Report Number
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The installation of a new Approach Landing System is being proposed "to improve the safety of aircraft landing operations at Robins Air Force Ba e (RAFB) conducted on Runway IS by installing a Solid State Instrument Landing System" (Potomac-Hudson Engineering, Inc. 1999; p. I). Three alternatives are presented by Potomac- Hudson Engineering, Inc. ( 1999; p. 8-11 ): (1) the a-Action Alternative; (2) construct a new AL , AL F-1 Alternative, north of Runway 15 (the proposed action); and (3) construct a new AL , Short Approach Lighting System ( AL ) Alternative, northern end of Runway 15. The proposed construction of the AL F-1 Alternative will impact archeological site 9Ht56 but Alternative 3, due to its shorter design, is not expected to impact the site. Nearby site 9Ht55 will not be impacted by any of the construction alternatives.

The area of potential impact of the proposed action apparently crosses 9HtS6 along the central portion of the north Approach Landing System (ALS). Since the construction plans are not yet completed, the nature and extent of that potential impact to 9Ht56 is not yet known. Alternately, the archeological resources of 9Ht56 within the area of potential impact are essentially undocumented. Because of the paucity of information about site 9HtS6 within the area of potential impact, the collection of additional information was warranted. Consequently, a subsurface archeological survey was performed in early March 1999 at 9Ht56 along the central portion of the northern ALS area. This report presents the results and recommendations of that survey.