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Trip Report on Shovel Testing of Land Section 02-213 Cumberland Island National Seashore (CUIS) to be exchanged for land section 02-212

Report Number
Year of Publication

Cumberland Island National Seashore (CUIS) plans to exchange a section of land (02- 213) north of Greyfield Mansion (Figure 1) for a privately owned section of property (02- 212) located in the wilderness area. The federally owned tract measures approximately 515 meters North-South by 300 meters East-West (38 ±acres) immediately north of the "Greyfield Inn" property, a private inholding. Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended) the Park requested the Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) conduct Phase I study of the federally owned property. Between June 4 and June 17, 2003 a total of 432 shovel tests were excavated to a depth of one meter below surface by SEAC archeologists. Fifty-four of the tests  (12%) produced archeological remains, primarily Native American ceramics, some that date as early as 2300-1000 BC (Russo: 1992).Although no archeological sites have been recorded within the federal tract, two recorded sites are relatively close. The Greyfield Site CUIS00007 (Georgia State Number 9CAM7), is located approximately 100 meters south of the proposed transfer tract and the other, CUIS00008 (Georgia State Number 9CAM8), is located approximately 150 meters north of the tract (Figure 2). Both are listed as shell middens. The cultural affinity ofGUIS00007 (9CAM7) is Middle and Late Woodland whereas that ofGUIS00008 (9CAM8) is unknown.