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Concurrence of Archaeological Plan for the Macon Phase II & Phase III Signalization Project STP-00MS(281) and STP-00MS(282), Bibb County

Report Number
Year of Publication

As in Phase I of the above referenced projects, this letter serves as compliance for Section 106 in regards to potential archaeological sites. As you recall, due to the highly disturbed nature of the proposed project site, it was determined that an oversight archaeological plan would be implemented to avoid any potential damage to artifacts during construction. Because Phase II and Phase III are essentially extensions of the same project and occur within similarly disturbed areas, we are requesting that the same oversight archaeological plan be applied to these later phases.

All construction work would occur within existing right-of-way. Since all aerial cables and signals would be installed on existing poles among existing cables and other devices for traffic management, project implementation would not create any additional visual changes to any potentially eligible or contributing National Register historic resources that may be located within the proposed projects' area of potential environmental effect. The replacement cables would be installed on existing utility poles. Due to the complete urbanization of the project area it is not anticipated that an archaeological survey would be prudent. The ground surface of the project is almost totally obscured by concrete sidewalks and asphalt streets, precluding subsurface testing. Background research suggests that a very low probability exists for significant prehistoric sites to have survived the intensive disturbance and development in the project area. The area of downtown Macon, in which the fiber optic cable would be placed, is in an older part of the city. Therefore, it is possible that some archaeological sites relating to historic activities may be identified.