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Archaeological Collections Condition Assessment Fort Benning, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On 19 January 1998, the Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections (MCX-CMAC) was contacted by Fort Benning, Georgia, personnel requesting assistance with the physical rehabilitation of the archaeological collections, both material remains and associated documentation, for which they are responsible. Dr. Michael Trimble, MCX-CMAC Director, directed Natalie Drew, staff archivist, to contact Fort Benning in order to provide further guidance. Ms. Drew contacted Dr. Chris Hamilton, the archaeologist at Fort Benning, on 21 January 1998. Dr. Hamilton estimated that the installation had approximately 350 ft3 of material remains and 50 linear feet of documentation that required physical rehabilitation to ensure Fort Benning's compliance with the directives of 36 CFR Part 79 (Curation of Federally Owned and Administered Archeological Collections). Ms. Drew suggested the MCX-CMAC perform a condition assessment of Fort Benning archaeological collections to give him a better idea of what was necessary for compliance and what the cost for rehabilitation would be. Ms. Drew brought the potential project to the attention of Dr. Trimble, who in turn approved the project. Ms. Drew then called Dr. Hamilton and asked him if he wished to proceed. Ms. Drew drafted a scope of work, schedule, and budget for the evaluation and sent these materials to Dr. Hamilton. With a few minor changes to the schedule, the scope and budget were approved by Drs. Hamilton and Trimble. The scope of work is included in Appendix A of this report.