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Archival Research and National Register of Historic Places Evaluation of Site 9RI1099, Rosedale Pond Dam

Report Number
Year of Publication

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Savannah District is proposing to analyze potential flood risk management measures that would be implemented on Rocky Creek, Augusta, Georgia (Richmond County). Previous cultural resources investigations have identified a historic dam, Rosedale Pond Dam, (site 9RI1099) within the Area of Potential Effect (APE). No other previously recorded archaeological sites or previously recorded historic architectural resources are located within the project area (Figure 1).

New South Associates, Inc. (NSA) was contracted by Dial Cordy and Associates Inc. to determine the siteā€specific history, site function, date of construction, occupation, and the identity of the inhabitants in order to evaluate the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility of the Rosedale Pond Dam and assist Savannah District with its Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act compliance requirements. Both archival research and field investigation were undertaken in order to accomplish this task.

This report consists of the following sections: Chapter II contains a physical description of Rosedale Pond Dam, along with a summary of conditions observed in past studies of the resource and the current conditions encountered during this study; Chapter III describes the methods used during the research and field phases of the project; Chapter IV provides a history of Rosedale Pond Dam and its owners; Chapter V provides a discussion and recommendation of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility of the dam.