Land Resource Companies [LRC] of Atlanta, Georgia is planning to develop Point
Peter near St. Marys, Camden County, Georgia. Development plans include the
construction of several dock structures on Point Peter Creek, the St. Marys River and
North River. In order to determine the proposed projects effects on potentially
significant submerged cultural resources, LRC contracted Tidewater Atlantic
Research, Inc., [TAR] of Washington, North Carolina to conduct historical researd1
and a magnetic and acoustic remote sensing survey of the areas to be impacted by
projects activities. Nine magnetic and/ or acoustic anomalies were identified within
the project areas during the remote sensing survey. Analysis of the collected data
revealed that none of those anomalies exhibited signature characteristics suggestive
of potentially submerged cultural resources. All of the anomalies appear to have
been generated by single objects of low ferrous mass and size such as crab traps,
wire rope, small lengths of iron rod or pipe or other modem debris. As none of the
targets signatures appear to represent shipwrecks or other potentially significant
submerged cultural resources, no additional investigation of the proposed
construction areas is recommended in conjunction with the current project.