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Phase I Cultural Resource Intensive Survey Downtown Macon Airport: Runway Extension Bibb County, Georgia Georgia Department of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Division Project Number HP 150515-003

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Historic Preservation Division (HPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources requested a an intensive Phase I archeological survey of a proposed runway lengthening project (approx. 30 acres) at the Downtown Macon Airport in Bibb County Georgia. The HPD comments were submitted to assist the Federal Aviation Administration and its applicants to comply with the provisions of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended.


The HPD stated that " ... documentation should include a survey of any structures that are 50 years of age or older that are located on or adjacent to the proposed project tract, including any nearby properties that could have visual or other indirect effects. Research should include reviewing topographic maps, the county tax assessor site, and if necessary, completing afield survey, in order to identify resources." (HPD letter to Barge, Waggone1; Sumner & Cannon, Inc., June 11, 2015).


The Phase I intensive survey was completed based on guidelines set forth by HPD. No historic structures over 50 years were present on or adjacent to the property nor were any archeological sites were present on the project tract. Therefore, it is recommended that no further archeological investigation is required for the project tract. This report is submitted to document the details of the field and laboratory techniques employed in the survey and to present the results, and recommendations set forth by Contact Archeology Inc. (C.A.I.).