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GA Stockbridge Site 457 Thurman Road, Stockbridge, Henry County, GA 30281

Report Number
Year of Publication

On December 16, 2016, Jackson Mueller of ERM conducted a site visit at 457 Thurman Road, Stockbridge, GA, for a proposed communications project. The project consists of a Raw Land-New Build Satellite Access Node (SAN) facility. The proposed project area consists of a 30ft. (9.1 m) x 40ft. (12.2 m) lease area and a 12ft. (3.7 m) x approximately 315ft. (96.0 m) access and utility route. A total of 4980 ft2 (463m2), or 0.11 acres (0.05 hectares) was considered for the area of potential effects (APE) for direct effects.

This site visit regards amendments to project HP-161021-001, which has undergone the following changes:

The project was moved from 491 Thurman Road to 457 Thurman Road, approximately 35 feet to the east of the original location (from 33°35'36.9011N, 84°13'15.4011W to 33°35'36.6011N, 84°13'15.2011W;

Access to the site will be via overland travel from the east, off Thurman Road .

The lease area is located in a landscaped lawn, with significant previous ground disturbance. The access/utility route trends through an existing road. No shovel testing was conducted due to the extent of previous disturbance. A pedestrian survey was completed of the location.

No archaeological sites were identified within the APE for direct effects. The project is located on a parcel containing a residence aged over 45 years; documentation of this structure is enclosed. ERM recommends that the resource is not eligible to the RHP under Criteria A, B, and C. Eligibility with regard to Criterion D was not assessed. No changes in the project's effects to two Historic Properties identified in the APE for visual effects, previously reported in HP-161021-001, are recommended.