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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Proposed Streetscaping on US 341/State Route 27 in McRae, Telfair County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project is located along US 341 between 2nd Avenue and 1st Avenue in McRae, Telfair County, Georgia (Figure 1). The proposed would replace the existing 418 linear feet of damaged sidewalks with new sidewalks, decorative pavers, and decorate concrete crosswalks with current ADA requirements for accessibility. The total project length is 420 feet. All work would be completed within the existing right-of-way (ROW).

                The area of potential effect for this project includes the existing ROW on US 341 between 2nd Avenue and South 1st Avenue. The APE measures approximately 530 feet long and 70 feet wide. Due to the limited scope of this project, no additional required ROW is anticipated and no Expanded Survey Corridor was surveyed (Figure 2).