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Pine Grove Road Culvert Replacement

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report provides the findings of AECOM's desktop review and s ite reconnaissance survey results for cultural resources within the area of potential effect {APE) of the project site known as Pine Grove Road Culvert Replacement. The City of Roswell is proposing to replace the existing culvert that carries City Street (CS) 3242/Pine Grove Road over Perennial Stream l - Riverside Creek in Roswell, Georgia (see Figure 1: Project Location Map). The purpose of this project is to replace the existing culvert to accommodate the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) peak flows because under the current condition, there is overflow and flooding. The existing culvert is located between Lynwood Drive and North Coleman Road. In order to accommodate the FEMA peak flood flows without changing the current road profile, the culvert width would be expanded from 8 to 12 feet. The hydraulic opening area of the culvert would be increased to approximately 90 to 96 square feet. In addition, stream channel stabilization or scour countermeasures would be incorporated at the outlet of the culvert. Impacts to the Perennial Stream I that flows through the culvert are anticipated to require permitting under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The City of Roswell has contracted AECOM to design the improvements and conduct necessary environmental permitting.

In support of the Section 404 permitting activities and in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (as amended), AECOM cultural resources personnel conducted investigations beginning with background research to identify previously recorded cultural resources. Background research efforts consisted of an examination of archaeological site forms for previously recorded sites identified by previous cultural investigations conducted either within or near (one-kilometer radius) the project APE, National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) listings and nominations, Fulton County records, historic aerial photography, and topographic maps. This background research revealed that no previously identified NRHP listed or eligible archaeological or architectural resources were located within the APE.

AECOM then field surveyed for historic architectural resources in June of 2017. Also, AECOM conducted a Phase I archaeological survey in September of 20 17. These surveys were conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (as amended), by personnel qualified under the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification standards (36 CFR Part 61 - Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation). These investigations were conducted to identify all historic and archaeological resources within the project's APE and to evaluate their significance based on criteria set forth by the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). As a result of these survey efforts, one historic, architectural resource was identified: the Pine Grove Road Masonry Culvert. An evaluation of this resource has been prepared within this report (see Section 2.0 Architectural Resources). A total of six (6) shovel tests were excavated within the project APE, but yielded no cultural material.

AECOM recommends cultural resources clearance of the proposed project's APE as no NRHP-eligible archaeological or architectural resources would be impacted by the proposed action.