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SR 126 from Laurens county line to SR 30

Report Number
Year of Publication

USGS Quadrangle(s): alamo_se, GA, UTM Zone 17; alamo_sw, GA, UTM Zone 17; and alamo_nw, GA,

UTM Zone 17.

Project Description: The proposed work consists of milling, patching, resurfacing, striping, curb cuts, and

raised pavement markers along SR 126 from Laurens county line to SR 30 in Wheeler County, Georgia. All

work will take place within the existing right-of-way (ROW). No work is proposed beyond 5 feet of the

existing edge of pavement.

Area of Potential Effect: Due to the fact that the majority of the proposed activities have no potential to

affect historic properties, the area of potential effect for this project consists of the curb cut locations at three


Archaeological Background Research

Previously Recorded Sites (GNAHRGIS Result): There are no previously recorded archaeological sites

located within the project APE. Two previously recorded archaeological sites are located within 1 kilometer

of the project area (fable 1; Figure 1).