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Addendum to Phase I Terrestrial Archaeological Survey of the I-20 Widening Project, Richmond County, Georgia, and Aiken County, South Carolina

Report Number
Year of Publication

Two shovel tests yielded cultural material, resulting in the recordation of two archaeological sites. One of the newly recorded sites, 9RI1176, may extend southward beyond the archaeological survey area, but does not extend into the APE. Establishment of an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) consisting of a SO-foot buffer around 9RI1176, and avoidance, is recommended. If ground-disturbing activities are planned for this area, additional work is recommended to determine the site extent, significance, and eligibility. The second newly recorded site, 9RI1177, is recommended not eligible for the NRHP, and no further work is recommended in this area.

Two previously recorded sites are also in the archaeological survey area. Site 9RI0084 is the Augusta Canal. It is a National Heritage Area and is also part of the Historic Augusta Canal and Industrial District, which is a NHL. The NHL boundary extends 15 feet from the banks of the canal itself, and this area was not investigated by the present project. However, previous work recommended that an ESA be established around the Augusta Canal to protect this significant resource, and that recommendation is reiterated here. Additionally, maritime remote sensing conducted as part of the previous project indicated that there is one side-scan sonar return, designated S10, and two associated magnetic targets within the Augusta Canal that may be impacted by the proposed undertaking. Establishment of an ESA with a 50-foot radius around S10, and avoidance, was recommended. If avoidance is not feasible, additional investigations in the form of diver identification by qualified underwater archaeologists was recommended.' Diver identification should include a determination of significance and eligibility for listing in the NRHP and should assess the potential contribution of the resource to the Historic Augusta Canal and Industrial District NHL.

The second previously recorded site in the archaeological survey area is 9RI1060. Previous work at the site indicated that it is not eligible for NRHP listing. The present project did not uncover any new information that would result in a reversal of that recommendation.