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Report Number
Year of Publication

Project Description

The subject property is approximately located at the approximate location of 40 Roberts Road, Newnan, GA

30263 at coordinates 33° 22’ 35.06” N, 84° 47’ 8.06” W. The proposed project consists of the construction of

a new monopole telecommunications tower and associated equipment within a 100-foot by 100-foot lease

area. The estimated height of the proposed installation is 160-feet. The project will be accessible via a

proposed 20-foot wide access and utility easement that will extend south and southwest from the lease area

to intersect with Roberts Road. The entire project footprint was included in the survey as well as a 50-foot

buffer around the proposed lease area (Photographs 1 through 10). The APE for this undertaking includes

all areas discussed above.

Field Conditions

The project area is located in a parcel of land adjacent to an existing telecommunications tower compound.

It is bordered on all sides by wooded, undeveloped land. The surrounding area at a greater distance consists

of suburban residential development. Roberts Road runs north to south approximately 75 m (250 feet) west

of the proposed project area. The proposed tower center, lease area boundaries, and centerline of the

proposed access and utility easement were easily identified from maps and site sketches.

Background Research

Background research was performed to assess the archaeological potential of the APE. Resources consulted

included historic maps and atlases, as well as soil surveys and aerial photography. A cultural resources

records search was done using information provided by the Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF). All

previously recorded sites within one-half mile of the direct APE were considered, and all locations within the

APE were examined.


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Trileaf Project# 627859 (Greison Trail)

Historic Potential

A review of files provided by the GASF showed that three previously recorded historic archaeological sites

are located within one-half mile of the APE for direct effects. Sites 9CW441, 9CW442, and 9CW443 are

historic artifact scatters. All of the three sites in the vicinity of the APE were recommended ineligible for listing

in the National Register of Historic Places, according to the site file information.

The areas surrounding the proposed project location consist of suburban residential development. The area

in the half mile surrounding the proposed project location was developed prior to the 1960s and has

undergone few major changes since that time (Google Earth 2016; NETR 1950, 1960, 1972, 1988, 1999,

2002, 2007, 2013). The direct APE is adjacent to an existing telecom tower site. Taking into consideration

known sites in the surrounding area as well as modern disturbance at the site, historic archaeological

potential was assessed as moderate.

Prehistoric Potential

Prehistoric archaeological potential was also assessed. A review of SHPO files showed that no previously

recorded prehistoric archaeological sites are located within one-half mile of the APE for direct effects.