Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. conducted a Phase I survey for a proposed project that
would mill and overlay (repave) approximately 4 miles of streets in East Point, Fulton County,
Georgia. In addition to the repaving, the project would include the construction of Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant wheelchair ramps at 12 intersections throughout the project
corridor. EPEI's survey covered the project's area of potential effect (APE), which corresponds
to existing right-of-way (ROW). Shovel testing and traditional pedestrian survey were utilized
to determine the presence of archaeological resources within the survey corridor. All shovel tests
were negative for historic or precontact materials. The project description and survey results are
described in the preceding Negative Findings Short Form.
As per the Programmatic Agreement (PA) between the Georgia Department of Transportation
(GDOT), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Georgia's State Historic Preservation
Office (SHPO), regarding Historic Streetcar Archaeological Sites in Georgia, background research
was conducted to determine whether the East Point Resurfacing Project's APE included historic
streetcar resources. A review of the streetcar database established by Sullivan et al. (2012) revealed
that former street car tracks are potentially present at the intersection of Willingham Drive
and Norman Berry Drive, and the intersection of Main Street and Irene Kidd Parkway. In order
to investigate this possibility, EPEI conducted a geophysical survey via ground penetrating radar
(GPR) investigation on September 15, 2015. The purpose of this survey was to identify former
streetcar features within the APE, if present, in order to further evaluate the project's potential
to affect cultural resources. An overlay of the streetcar GIS at the aforementioned intersections
appears in Figure 1. In order to refine the results of EPEI's GPR survey, on December 11, 2015,
GDOT archaeologists conducted a geophysical survey at the intersection of Willingham Drive and
Norman Berry Drive. GDOT provided the information regarding their findings to EPEI, and those
findings have been incorporated into this document.