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PHASE 1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY LETTER FOR TRILEAF CORPORATION Project #628476 (Brumbelow) Carrollton, Carroll County, GA

Report Number
Year of Publication


This report documents the results of the archaeology survey for Trileaf Project #628476 (Brumbelow), located

in Carroll County, Georgia. The survey was conducted to ensure that resources eligible for or listed in the

National Register of Historic Places located within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) are not adversely

affected by the proposed project. This work is being done as required by Section 106 of the National Historic

Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended) and its implementing regulations, 36 CFR Part 800. In addition, this

document is being submitted in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

“Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for Review of Effects on Historic Properties for Certain Undertakings

Approved by the Federal Communications Commission” (FCC 2004).

Based on field observations, six Shovel Test Pits (STPs) were placed in the project area. The fieldwork was

performed by Abigail Heller, an archaeologist of JMT working under the direct supervision of Garrett W.

Silliman, Registered Professional Archaeologist of JMT with over 20 years of experience. Fieldwork was

performed on January 12, 2017 and one day was spent in the field. No artifacts were uncovered, no

archaeological sites were identified, and no additional archaeological testing is recommended at this location.

Project Description

The subject property is located approximately at 1516 Shady Grove Road, Carrollton, GA 30116 at

coordinates 33° 36’ 31.29” N, 85° 3’ 23.87 W. The proposed project consists of the construction of a new

monopole telecommunications tower and associated equipment within a 50-foot by 50-foot fenced

compound within a 100-foot by 100-foot lease area. The estimated overall height of the proposed

installation is 160-feet. The project will be accessible via a proposed 12-foot gravel drive within a 30-foot

wide access and utility easement that extends east and southeast of the proposed project location where it

connects with Shady Grove Road. The entire project footprint was included in the survey as well as a 50-

foot buffer around the proposed lease area (Photographs 1-11). The APE for this undertaking includes all

areas discussed above.

Field Conditions

The project area is located in a wooded area west of Shady Grove Road. It is bordered to the north, east,

south, and west by wooded land, with scattered residential plots and commercial buildings in the general

area. The surrounding area at a greater distance consists of largely wooded land to the north and west, and

suburban development to the south and east of the proposed project location. Georgia State Route 166 (SR

166) runs south to northeast approximately 2.15 km (1.34 mi) southeast of the proposed project area. An

existing Plantation Pipeline easement runs northwest to southeast 160 ft southwest of the project location,

and an Oglethorpe Power easement runs east to west 230 ft south of the proposed project location. The

proposed tower center, lease area boundaries, and proposed access and utility easement were easily

identified from maps and site sketches.

Background Research

Background research was performed to assess the archaeological potential of the APE. Resources consulted

included historic maps and atlases, as well as soil surveys and aerial photography. A cultural resources

records search was done using information provided by the Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF). All


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Trileaf Project #628476 (Brumbelow)

previously recorded sites within a half mile of the direct APE were considered, and all locations within the

APE were examined.

Report No. 458 “Moose Lodge Proposed Substation and Transmission Line, Carroll County, Georgia,

Archaeological Survey and Testing,” published in June 1983, indicates that site 9CL240, a site heavily utilized

during the Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian culture periods, was identified in the archaeological survey,

which included the area immediately south of the proposed project location. Report No. 1178 “Archeological

Survey of the Proposed Widening of the North Carrollton Bypass, Carroll County, Georgia,” published in

March 1994, indicates that two prehistoric sites and one multicomponent site were identified in the

archaeological survey, part of which appears to have overlapped with the proposed project location. Report

No. 5038 “Archaeological Survey of a Rerouted Section of the Proposed Moose Lodge Transmission, Carroll

County, Georgia,” published in November 1983, indicates that no previously unrecorded archaeological sites

were identified in an archaeological survey which did not overlap the proposed project location

Historic Archaeological Potential

A review of GASF files showed that one previously recorded historic archaeological site is located within a

half mile of the APE for direct effects. Site 9CL438 is a historic house site that dates from the late nineteenth

to the mid-to-late twentieth centuries.

Shady Grove/Hickory Level Road has been present in some degree in its present location since 1889, and

the areas surrounding the proposed project location consist of woodlands with moderate suburban and

commercial development in the areas nearby. The general location appears to have seen little development

until between the years 1944 and 1959, when the Plantation Pipeline easement was constructed. By 1993,

the Oglethorpe Power easement was in its existing location, and development in the area had markedly

increased. The immediate vicinity appears to be relatively unchanged since the 1990s (Google Earth 2017,

NETR 1889, 1897, 1922, 1944, 1955, 1959, 1972, 1975, 1983, 1993, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2013). Taking into

consideration known sites in the surrounding area and the historic and modern development in the area,

historic archaeological potential was assessed as low to moderate.