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Research Design to Conduct Phase II Testing of 51 Sites at Fort Benning Military Reservation, Georgia

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The Department of the Army at Fort Benning Military Reservation has requested a technical proposal for the Phase II level archaeological testing of 51 sites. Fort Benning requires the evaluations of these sites as part of its efforts to improve public outreach, awareness, and education products associated with its transition to the Army Maneuver center of Excellence. These sites have a mixture of components from the Late Paleoindian to early twentieth century. Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (Panamerican) has designed the following technical proposal to outline our procedures for conducting all aspects of background research, fieldwork, analysis, and report preparation. All work will be conducted in compliance with Section 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, with regulations implementing this legislation (36 CRF Part 800: Protection of Historic Properties), specific National Register Bulletin guidelines (e.g., Guidelines for Evaluating and Registering Cemeteries and Burial Places), the Secretary of Interior's Guidelines for Evaluating and Documentation, and with standards set by the Georgia Historic Preservation Division, Department of Natural Resources.