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Archaeological Surveys and Assessments of County Bridge Projects, District Five (PR-388-1(001)), Appling County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Construct approaches and a permanent bridge over Ten Mill Creek on new alignment approximately 3.0 miles north of Baxley in Appling County, Georgia. This will be a concrete bridge, 1221 -011 in length and constructed on wooden piling. Approximately 23,000 cubic yards of fill material will be placed below the 100 year flood and will be obtained from high l and borrow pits within the vicinity of the project. This f ill material, when placed, will cover approximately 1.5 acres of existing wetlands which is composed of pi ne and hard wood timber with moderate to dense underbrush. Also, approximately 520 square yards of Stone Rip Rap will be placed on the bridge end rolls for s lope protection and to prevent erosion. There will be no dredging or waste material.