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Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of Tallent Store Road Bridge Over Little Muckalee Creek, Sumter County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During the course of archaeological survey, one shovel test excavated south of Tallent Store Road, within the eastern portion of the ESB was positive for cultural material (Figure 4). The initial positive shovel test (All) contained one projectile point/knife (PP/K) base recovered from a depth between 20 and 30 cmbs. The PP/K is comprised of chert and shares similarities with other stemmed examples of the Putnam type, which was in use during the Middle Archaic Period (5,750-2,600 B.C.) in the regions of southern Georgia and northern Florida. Upon discovery, the shovel test was bounded at 15-meter intervals to the east and west. Due to the limits of the project area, a delineation shovel test could not be excavated to the south at 15 m. In lieu of this, a shovel test was excavated to the south at a 10-meter interval. No other material was recovered and no subsurface or above ground features were noted. According to the Georgia Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Surveys (GCPA 2014:1-3), locations with two or fewer artifacts found within a 30-meter radius and not containing features or ruins are classified as IFs. Typically, IFs are not considered archaeological sites, and are thus not eligible for the NRHP.