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Archaeological Surveys and Assessments of County Bridge Projects, District Five, BRFLB-030-4(3), Bryan County

Report Number
Year of Publication

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 , the following projects were surveyed with respect to archaeological resources; especially those which may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) . The survey entailed examination of relevant survey reports, project plans, maps, and site files, and a pedestrian (walkthrough) survey of the entire project , occasionally complemented by periodic placement of subsurface tests where needed . All of these investigations indicate that no archaeological resources on or eligible to the NRHP will be affected by the various projects. Detailed archaeological field notes for each of the above projects are on file in the Staff Archaeologist's office, DOT Environmental Analysis Bureau, Atlanta, Georgia. In addition, a number of projects were simple in place replacements which would impact no new areas and have no detours during construction. In such cases, an in-field inspection was unnecessary and archaeological clearance was made through inspection of construction plans; these are marked with an asterisk.