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Project ER-526(19) Lee/Dougherty Counties, PI No. 490330 Bridge Replacement on SR 118 Over Muckalee Creek

Report Number
Year of Publication

This project consists of two bridge replacements on SR 118 over Muckalee Creek and Overflow. Also, the repairs to a spur dike located in the northwest quadrant of the bridge over the Flint River on SR 234 have been added to the project. The proposed project would replace the existing bridges on SR 118 over Muckalee Creek and Muckalee Creek Overflow. The existing (23.8 X 135 foot) and (23.8 X 270) bridges would be replaced with (23.8 X 160 foot) and (23.8 X 280 foot) bridges, respectively. The structures would be replaced on existing alignment within existing right-of-way. The road would be closed during construction.