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Addendum to a Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed SR 369/400 Interchange, Forsyth County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

As documented in a previous Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Archaeological Short Form for Negative Findings (Koch 2016), the proposed project would construct a new grade-separated, cloverleaf interchange at the existing signalized intersection of State Route (SR) 369 and SR 400 in Forsyth County, Georgia. The proposed project would begin approximately 3,500 feet south of the existing intersection of SR 369 and SR 400, and would end approximately 2,700 feet north of the existing intersection. The project would extend along SR 369 for approximately 1,600 feet to the west and 1,700 feet to the east of the existing intersection. The proposed project would construct two cloverleaf interchanges, connecting northbound and southbound of SR 400. The proposed interchange would tie into local SR 369/Browns Bridge Road widening project on the east and west sides. A proposed 745-foot driveway would also be constructed for the Browns Bridge Community Church. The existing right-of-way (ROW) for SR 400 varies between 340 and 470 feet. The required ROW varies between 200 and 850 feet. The existing ROW for SR 369 varies between 75 and 100 feet. The required ROW varies between 105 and 125 feet. A 100-foot ESC for this project was also surveyed as part of the original 2016 survey. Since the time of the previous Koch (2016) survey, minor design modifications have occurred. The project limits have been further clarified as the limits of the GDOT project, and the adjacent local widening project, have been better identified by the design team.

Notably, the proposed driveway for the Browns Bridge Community Church would now be part of the local widening project. The GDOT project would now begin approximately 2,100 feet south of the existing intersection of SR 369/Browns Bridge Road and SR 400, and the GDOT project would end approximately 2,700 feet north of the existing intersection. The GDOT project would extend along SR 369/Browns Bridge Road for approximately 1,100 feet to the west (a reduction in length of approximately 770 feet) and 1,000 feet to the east (a reduction in length of approximately 675 feet) of the existing intersection. In addition, minor changes have occurred to the bridge, ramp, and wall designs as the project design has been refined. Some minor easement adjustments have also occurred as the design has developed. The project was previously documented in a GDOT Archaeological Short Form for Negative Findings, which was approved by GDOT on October 14, 2016 (Koch 2016).