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Research & Resources

Linking Georgia's Past with its Present

three women looking at botanical remains. a microscope is to the left

Promoting Research

One of the Laboratory's major goals is to promote research. We make our collections accessible to qualified individuals for scientific and educational research and as one of the premier institutions for the archaeology of the American Southeast, our faculty, staff, and students produce significant scholarly work pertaining to the history and prehistory of Georgia. In addition to outside researchers, many students use the Laboratory and collections for class, independent research projects, or internships. Any research performed at the Laboratory is monitored by Laboratory staff so that artifacts are treated with care.

Please see this link for information on how to conduct research at the Laboratory.

man writing on archival bags of artifacts

Cutting Edge Tools and Resources

The Laboratory makes a wide variety of tools and analytical resources available to undergraduate and graduate students and qualified researchers. Additionally, we are close partners with the University of Georgia Center for Applied Isotope Studies, which offers advanced analytical services for our collections. Finally, we also work closely with the Center for Archaeological Sciences.


woman describing ceramics to two female and two male students

Faculty from the Department of Anthropology frequently use resources at the Laboratory to teach various courses.

two female and two male undergraduate students in a material culture class

Undergraduate and graduate students frequent the Laboratory to finish assignments and other research projects.