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Projects RS-1480(2) and RS-BHS-1480(3) Chatham County, Clearinghouse Control #79-10-29-01

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project RS-1480(2) begins at the intersection of U.S. 80 and the Islands Expressway. The roadway will extend south on new location, generally paralleling Saffold Airfield, and terminating into a T-intersection with Johnny Mercer Boulevard. The new location section will consist of four 12' travel lanes and is approximately 1.4 miles in length. Project RS-BHS-1480(3) begins at the intersection of the new location section with Johnny Mercer Boulevard (Island Road) and extends southeastward along Johnny Mercer Boulevard to a terminus with S 1480. The pre-posed project calls for the symmetrical widening of the existing transportation facility. The two-lane roadway will be widened to a five-lane section composed of four 12' lanes and a 14' flush median to the approach of Spencer's Bridge which carries traffic over Turner's Creek. The south side of the bridge will be widened to a five-lane section. At the bridge terminus, the five-lane section will again be symmetrical to the existing roadway to the project’s terminus with S 1480. The length of the project is 1.6 miles. In terms of National Register significance, the palm trees located on

Johnny Mercer Boulevard do not appear to meet any of the. criteria set forth in 36 CFR 60.6. They are not known to be associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the bread patterns of our history; they are not known to be associated with the lives of significant persons in our past; they do not represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; they have not yielded, nor- will they be likely to yield information important in pre-history or history.