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Project S0SLB-115-1(279) Toombs County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project, S0SLB-115-1(279) in Toombs County, will consist of constructing on new alignment the approaches to and new concrete bridge over Rocky Creek crossing a county road south of Lyons, Georgia, east of State Route 4, west of State Route 147 and north of State Route 56 to replace an existing wood bridge. Approximately 1470 cubic yards of embankment material will be placed below the 100-year flood elevation to construct the approaches covering approximately 0.5 acres. The material for the embankment will be obtained from borrow pits in the vicinity of the project. Normal erosion controls for the embankment will be utilized. Stone dumped rip rap will be placed on the bridge end rolls. The existing wooden bridge will be removed.