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Archaeological Assessment of Project BRM-0901(1), Bartow County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Location - Pettit Creek crossing State Route 293 in Cartersville, Georgia.

Purpose - Bridge replacement on new alignment.

Activity - Discharge approximately 9800 cubic yards of embankment material below the 100-year elevation to construct the approaches to a 200' x 48' bridge. The embank­ment material will be obtained from sources within the area of the project and when placed will cover 1.5 acres. No wetland is involved. Erosion control will be grassing with straw mulch stabilization on shoulders and slopes with baled straw at toe of slopes and stone rip rap on bridge end rolls.

The existing 70' x 20.5' bridge and approximately 120' of existing roadway embankment adjacent to the new approaches will be removed.