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Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-2584(7), Rockdale County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The interaction of SR 20 and Pleasant Hill will be relocated; SR 20 would be realigned to intersect with Pleasant Hill Rd. on new alignment south of the present intersection. An estimated 100 ft. of ROW would be required. The project would begin 425m west of the existing intersection on pleasant Hill Rd and end 130 m east of the intersection on SR 20.

The entire alignment was surface checked. At the time of the survey, the proposed ROW was grassed, with less than 10% ground visibility. A small garden plot was also surface checked. A single shovel test revealed 18 cm of brownish-red sandy loamy clay over at least 7 cm of organic loamy clay. No artifacts were observed or recovered from the test of the surface rea. Project slopes gently downhill to the west.