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Archaeological Assessment of the Carter Grove Plantation Sewer Line and Lift Station Number One, Cartersville, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Archeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc. (ACC) conducted an archaeological evaluation of a sewer line corridor and a small lift station tract within the city limits of Cartersville, in Bartow County, Georgia. For most of its length, the main corridor stays within the Douthit Ferry Road right-of-way, from Etowah Mounds Road to Old Alabama Road. For the river crossing, the corridor veers to the east and parallels an old road bed that crosses the river along an abandoned metal frame bridge (Free Bridge), then veers back to the west to follow the course within the Douthit Ferry Road right-of-way. A proposed lift station is located on the south side of the river, adjacent to the old road bed. Background research identified three archeological sites that might be affected by the proposed construction: sites 9BR87, 9BR96, and 9BR82 l. Sites 9BR87 and 9BR821 are located on the north side of the Etowah River, but the positioning of the corridor within the existing Douthit Ferry Road right-of-way and along the south side of an old abandoned road bed will not affect these two sites. As originally planned, the lift station was located within the boundaries of 9BR96, on the south side of the Etowah River. A grid of shovel tests was excavated in the proposed area of the substation and its connecting corridor. The shovel tests helped confirm that the western site boundary did not extend beyond the old road bed. Two 1 by 1 meter excavation units were also excavated within the site boundary. These units revealed relatively shallow cultural deposits (0-30 cm). Feature 601, an approximately 1 meter diameter rock cluster, was found in one of the test units, indicating that shallow archaeological contexts still remain intact at the site. As a precautionary measure, construction plans were modified so that the pump station would avoid 9BR96. The new location is within a wooded area, between the old road bed and Douthit Ferry Road. In summary, this investigation confirms that the needs of the citizens of Cartersville and Bartow County can be served without undue loss or damage to their archaeological heritage. Proposed construction plans of a sewer line and lift station which would have impacted 9BR96 were modified so that the site would be avoided and potentially significant archaeological contexts will not be disturbed.