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Phase I Archeological Survey of the Ashburn Solar Facility Tract Turner County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc. (SAS) conducted a Phase I archeological survey of approximately 5.5 ac in Turner County, Georgia, on the southern end of Ashburn. The tract of land will host a proposed solar array for energy production. The archeological survey was conducted to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, due to federal involvement for the proposed energy production facility. The project area is divided into two tracts. One is a ca. 5.2-ac tract that will contain the solar collectors (Tract 1), and the other tract is an access road that extends south from West Williams Avenue in Ashburn to Tract 1. The access road is designated as Tract 2. Together, Tracts 1 and 2 comprise the area of potential effect (APE). The archeological survey was designed to identify and evaluate cultural resources against National Register criteria that may be disturbed the construction of the energy facility.

SAS conducted the archaeological survey of the APE on August 23, 2018, requiring one person-day to complete the survey. Background research was conducted prior to the field survey. Surface inspection and shovel test excavation identified one previously recorded archeological site, 9TN11. 9TN11 is a low-density, prehistoric lithic artifact scatter that is widely distributed across both Tracts 1 and 2. A historic period component also was identified in the southeastern portion of Tract 1. A total of 25 shovel tests were excavated, and five tested positive with one or two lithic artifacts. Because of low artifact density and excessive historic period disturbances, we conclude that the eastern portion of 9TN11 that intersects with the project APE to contain no significant cultural resources. No additional archeological investigation is required on the eastern portion of 9TN11, and we therefore recommend that the proposed project be allowed to proceed.