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Archaeological Survey of Proposed Construction of the South Milledge-Whitehall Road Roundabout, Clarke County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Athens Clarke County consolidated government wishes to convert the T-intersection of South Milledge Avenue and Whitehall Road into a roundabout, or traffic circle, type of intersection. The reconstruction will also incorporate the main entrance, Phoenix Road, to the Whitehall Forest, which is managed by the University’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. The project requires the acquisition of additional roadway right-of-way and temporary construction easements at the intersection, some of which is owned by University of Georgia Board of Regents. To insure that no significant archeological resources on University property are adversely affected by the project, Southeastern Archeological Services was contracted by the University to conduct archival research and archeological field survey in the area of potential effect on University owned property, which is in the southwestern and eastern quadrants of the project area (Figure 1). This area of potential effect includes both the required right-of-way and the temporary construction easements on University property. Altogether the irregularly shaped parcels total about 0.7 acres.