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Archaeological Assessment TCNS ID #168584 Proposed 50-foot Utility Pole with Antenna (Overall Height with Appurtenances) Within 10-foot by 10-Foot (3m by 3m) Pole Site 9GAB001695-B Reservoir Road & Reinhardt College Pkwy Canton, Cherokee County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Corporation of America (ECA) has completed an Archaeological Assessment for the federal undertaking at the subject site. The proposed undertaking would include a proposed 10-foot by 10-foot (3m by 3m) pole area that would include a 50-foot overall height utility pole with appurtenances. The subject site is located near the intersection of Reservoir Road and Reinhardt College Parkway, Canton, Cherokee County, Georgia.

This archaeological assessment was conducted in order to ascertain whether the proposed undertaking, on the project site, might directly or indirectly affect cultural resources, if any such resources exist. Through our review of available cultural records and databases, we identified eight previously identified archaeological sites (9CK727, 9CK728, 9CK729, 9CK730, 9CK1043, 9CK1044, 9CK1045, and 9CK1068) and five archaeological surveys (1152, 1718, 5367, 6947, and 8375). During the field survey portion of this archaeological assessment, no archaeological cultural resources were encountered. Field notes for the negative findings are on file with Environmental Corporation of America.

ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no effect on any historic or prehistoric archaeological resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Based on our findings related to archaeological resources, we recommend no further consultation under Section 106 Review of the National Historic Preservation Act for this proposed undertaking. Therefore, for archaeological cultural resources, we recommend a finding of No Effect for the proposed undertaking at the project site.