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Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Emergency Slope Repair of State Route 60 in Lumpkin County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed is an emergency slope repair and work will take place along a 150- foot linear section of State Route (SR) 60 in Lumpkin County, Georgia near Dockery Gap Road (MP 19)(Figure 1). The project is located within the Chattahoochee National Forest. Recent heavy rains caused a section of slope failure that removed the existing shoulder extending to the edge of pavement. The proposed work consists of installing a slope stabilization system wall at the edge of the roadway. In addition, the project would install curb and gutter above the wall, installation of a swale at the exit of the drainage pipe, install a swale at the end of the curb and gutter, adding rip-rap along the bottom and sides of the wall, hydro-seeding the disturbed area of the slope, and adding silt fencing. If the project requires the use of easements for construction, coordination with the US Forest Service personnel will occur. Existing Right-of Way (ROW) is approximately 50 feet. This project is state funded.