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Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-0001-00(419), Richmond County

Report Number
Year of Publication

This is an addendum to the archeological report dated July 12, 2001, which has already been reviewed by the Georgia Department of Transportation and Georgia Department of Natural Resources' Historic Preservation Division. The project consists of improving the intersection of SR 56 and Goshen Road/Goshen Industrial Boulevard. During the previous survey no archeological sites were discovered.

The project remains the same, but a retention pond measuring 85 x 85 m (1.8 ac) will be added to the northwest corner of the intersection. The proposed retention pond was archeologically surveyed on January 21, 2002. Four shovel tests measuring 30 cm in diameter were excavated within the proposed boundaries of the basin, but no archeological material was encountered. As shown on the accompanying map, the proposed pond is situated at the head of a drainage and the terrain slopes to the south, not an ideal spot for an archeological site.

In conclusion, the addition of a retention pond will not adversely affect any significant archeological resources, and no additional archeological studies are recommended.