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Archaeological Assessment of Project STP-115-1(7), White County

Report Number
Year of Publication

This project is the widening and reconstruction of State Route 75 from US 129/SR 11/SR 75 Alt to County Road 88 (Asbestos Road) for a total of 2.27 miles. The existing roadway consists of two 12-foot lanes with rural shoulders. The estimated base year traffic (2005) is 14,100 VPD and the design year traffic (2025) is 22,600 VPD.

The project was approved for a design speed of 55 mph with a typical section consisting of two 12-foot lanes with a 14-foot flush median and rural shoulders. Approximately 1000 feet of the beginning end of the project was to be an urban section.

Due to the rapid growth and type of development along this corridor, it is proposed that the speed design be reduced to 35/45 mph. The first 1000 feet will meet 35 mph design requirements and the remainder of the project will meet the 45 mph requirements. The existing posted speed along the corridor is currently 35/45 mph. The typical section is changed to an urban section consisting of two 12-foot lanes with 4-foot bicycle lanes and a 14-foot flush median and urban shoulders with sidewalks. This lane configuration does not conform to the guidelines as shown in the design guideline letter dated July 20, 2000 but meets the traffic demands and usage of the area. Also, the traffic along this corridor will reduce upon construction of NH-002-7(23), the Cleveland bypass project.