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Digitization and Archiving of Outstanding Archaeological Reports and Site Information Concerning Underwater Cultural Resources Across Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The purpose of this project was to input underwater archaeological site information into the

Georgia Archaeological Site File. Subsumed under this objective were a number of specific objectives that included the following: 1) Assigning report and manuscript numbers and adding these documents to the GASF Access database 2) Map project areas associated with reports on paper USGS quad maps and adding shapefiles to GNAHRGIS database 3) Identifying which sites were already included in the GASF and locating any reports associated with these sites 4) Creating new site forms for sites not previously recorded in the GASF. This included mapping sites and creating site numbers. These tasks were undertaken between August and December of 2017. In sum, 54 reports and 17 manuscripts were assigned institutional numbers and included in the GASF Access and GNAHRGIS databases, 124 previously known sites were associated with extant reports, 95 new archaeological sites were assigned site numbers and processed as such, and 161 targets of interest identified through remote sensing surveys were documented. Data on each of these deliverables are included here in Appendices AD and include a list of reports and manuscripts processed, archaeological sites documented, and targets of interest identified. A number of maps are also included to display the locations of sites recorded in the GASF as well as targets of interest.