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A Preliminary Site Report for Archaeological Salvage Undertaken at 9Ge10

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report is a preliminary site report for the archaeological salvage undertaken at Site 9GE10. Cold Springs, 9Gel0, overlooks the floodplain of the confluence with Town Creek. A gentle slope across the site increases uphill to the east. The southern boundary of the site approaches an unnamed spring-fed creek, To the west, a low damp area slopes down to a second creek. The eastern bank of the river is approximately 150 meters from the edge of the site. The general vicinity of Cold Springs contains the widest expanse of floodplain in the Wallace Reservoir study area. The research design at Cold Springs emphasized an attempt to define the institutional framework of the site through an examination of site plan. investigations at Cold Springs took place in several distinct stages with some time overlap between successive stages. initially, a grid was imposed, and all surface artifacts were collected in the plowed field which comprises the major portion of the site. Five-meter squares are the basic provenience units here.