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Atlantic Steel Redevelopment Project- Tribal Coordination

Report Number
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Jacoby Development, Inc., a developer in Atlanta, has proposed remediation and redevelopment of a 138-acre former steel mill site owned by Atlantic Steel Industries, Inc. in Atlanta's Midtown district. The proposed redevelopment includes high and mid-rise residential areas, retail center areas, hotels, general and high-tech office space, and parking. Project plans include construction of a new b1idge across Interstate 75/85 at 1 Th Street and other surface street roadway improvements adjacent to the project area. Figure 2 shows the location of the project and a conceptual development plan. The land affected by the project currently is occupied by numerous buildings and structures associated with operations of Atlantic Steel, which has been located on the propet1y since approximately 1901. Surrounding land uses include primarily residential to the south, commercial and industrial to the east, west and not1h of the Atlantic Steel site.

The EPA, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, the Georgia Depa11ment ofTranspo11ation, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and the City of Atlanta, is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Atlantic Steel Redevelopment Project, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The EA will provide a summary of planning effot1s associated with the development of concept alternatives, design traffic study, preliminary engineering analysis, and environmental impacts assessment, including all public comments and agency coordination. Several alternatives are being considered as pan of this project. These include alternative site designs, bridge and access ramp locations and configurations, and transit connections. The no action alternative will also be considered. The study area will be assessed for impacts to archeological and historic resources, any protected plant or animal species, jurisdictional wetlands, and water quality. The transportation aspects of the project will be assessed, including noise and air quality impacts, as well as impacts to the Surrounding community.