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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Constantine Development Tract

Report Number
Year of Publication

Between June 3 and 14, 2019, Brockington and Associates, Inc., completed a Phase I cultural resources survey of the Constantine Development Tract in Chatham County, Georgia. This survey was carried out on behalf of Strategic Real Estate Partners, LLC, in partial fulfillment of guidelines established for Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended through 2006). The cultural resources survey includes both an archaeological and a historic architectural survey component. Our field investigations identified two archaeological sites (9CH1520 and 9CH1521), one archaeological isolated find (Isolate 1), and one historic resource (the Horseshoe Canal). Site 9CH1520 is a small, low-density historic scatter associated with the Civil War. Site 9CH1521 is a small historic artifact scatter diagnostic to the twentieth century. Isolate 1 consists of an iron pocketknife. The Horseshoe Canal is a circa 1920s non-transportation canal that may have been constructed for the prevention of disease, agricultural cultivation, and land development. Sites 9CH1520, 9CH1521, and Isolate 1 are recommended not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The Georgia State Historic Preservation Office previously determined that the Horseshoe Canal was eligible under Criterion A and C. The Horseshoe Canal is not located within the viewshed of the proposed warehouse development on the tract, and there will be no adverse effect to this resource. In addition, Stallings (2018) recently mitigated the Horseshoe Canal through a PAR documentation and historical narrative. None of these identified cultural resources warrant further cultural resource management considerations. Therefore, the proposed development on the Constantine Tract will not impact any NRHP-eligible cultural resources.