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Woodward Road 115/25 kV Substation ALP, Houston County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This letter our report of finding for an archaeological survey we conducted on an approximately 5.5-ac tract of land upon which Georgia Transmission Corporation wishes to construct the above-referenced substation. Because the project is to be licensed by the Rural Utilities Service, compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, is required. This act stipulates that any undertaking that uses federal funds or requires federal licensing must taken into account the effects of the undertaking on significant cultural resources. The first step in complying with this mandate is to conduct surveys to determine what cultural resources exist in the area of potential affect. As this letter explains, the archaeological survey we conducted on July 29 and August 5, 2020 encountered no archaeological resources or visible evidence of graves in the APE for the project. Therefore, we conclude that the proposed undertaking, the construction of the Woodard Road Substation, will have no affect on significant archaeological resources and should be granted clearance to proceed. The APE consists of a trapezoid tract of land approximately 5.5 ac in size that straddles the Bonaire Primary-Perry 115 kV transmission line between Perry and Warner Robins in central Houston County. The project tract adjoins and is located on the east side of Moody Road surveyed on July 29, 2010 by SAS senior archaeological Rob Benson. Because of reports from neighbors that graves might be present in the northwestern corner of the tract, this portion of the tract was re-inspected by the author on August 5, 2010.