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Plant Road Quarry, Houston County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Southeastern Archaeological Services, Inc. completed a reconnaissance level archeological survey of an approximately 854-ac parcel of land located on the south side of Flat Creek in central Houston County, a couple of miles south of Perry, Georgia. Approximately half of the tract is composed of pre-existing limestone mining pits that did not require survey (Figure 1). We conducted the fieldwork on December 8 and 9, 2009. This letter report, with two attached maps and two tables, serves as our report of findings. The field survey was preceded by archival and background research. The Georgia Archaeological Site Files showed that no sites had previously been recorded in or close to the project area. However, eight sites, all prehistoric lithic scatters, lie just a few hundred meters north of the project area, lined along the north edge of Flat Creek. Two other sites, 9HT89 and 9HT229, lie within a mile of the project area, one to the east and the other to the northwest. Seven of the sites (9HT68 through 9HT108) were first discovered by Georgia Department of Transportation archeologists, mostly in the 1980s. Several were revisited and reassessed by private sector archeologists. The last three sites were recorded by private sector archeologists, in connection with several small development projects.