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Southwest 115/12kV Substation, Houston County

Report Number
Year of Publication

At your request, we conducted an intensive, Phase I archaeological survey for the proposed expansion of the existing Southwest 115.12kV Substation site on the outskirts of Warner Robbins in central Houston County. This trapezoidal, approximately 2-ac tract touches on Houston Lake Boulevard on the east, and residential property lines on the west. The substation expansion is to be located on the south, within a large wetland area, and possibly includes a narrow strip of ground in an open field just west of the substation driveway. The majority of the tract is occupied by the existing substation which has been altered by grading and filling to level the ground for the substation, and landscaping to direct water flow away from it. In general, the land is gently sloping towards the south and west, towards an extensive wetland area that falls to a tributary of Sandy Run Creek, several hundred meters away. Archival research, consisting of an examination of the Georgia Archaeological Site Files, revealed that no archaeological sites are recorded on the tract, but that two archaeological sites are located within 1.0 km on the tract.